Please read the following information carefully before starting your survey.

DPC Chartered Accountants is committed to creating a workplace where every team member feels valued, heard, and supported. Your feedback in this survey will help them to understand what’s working well and where improvements can be made to continue building a fulfilling, engaging working environment.

Please take the time to answer honestly and share your views and ideas.

This survey is being managed by Listen To Your Team, a specialist in employee engagement and survey delivery.  All responses provided are completely anonymous.  No individual will be identified or linked to a comment and free text responses will be reported in general themes.


  • When you are ready select the Start Survey button below.
  • You are required to answer all questions. If you miss a question you will be prompted to complete it before moving to the next page.
  • When selecting your answer click the response which best represents your opinions based on the scale provided. Be careful to select the correct response as some are worded in a similar way but have very different meanings.
  • Each section contains a free text question at the end. Use this space to describe your views and ideas in relation to the question asked.
  • Once you have completed your survey you must select the SUBMIT button to submit your survey feedback.
  • Do not close the browser until you have received confirmation that your form has been submitted.


Thank You